Book an Appointment at Awakened Heart Acupuncture - The Julia Building
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Acupuncture is the painless insertion of fine, sterile needles at specific points on the body which can affect healing change. It can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine or as a stand alone treatment. Our specialty is fertility support, pregnancy, and postpartum as well as pain management.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese culture has used different parts of plants, animal products and minerals for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. It is believed that to heal; you need to support the physical body with acupuncture as well as nurture the body with herbal medicine. Herbal treatment is very effective and absolutely safe when accurately prescribed and taken according to directions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Telehealth Visits
Meet with Nicole virtually to learn how diet, lifestyle, supplements, acupressure, and Chinese herbs can help you live your best life! Nicole has 15 plus years of experience in treating fertility (egg, womb, or sperm issues, IVF/IUI or if trying naturally) pregnancy. postpartum, and women's health related issues (PMS, irregular cycles, peri/menopause, thyroid health, anxiety, insomnia etc.) using a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach.
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Located at: 924 Anacapa Street, Suite 3F, Santa Barbara
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Need Help? 206-713-2742