
Acupuncture is the painless insertion of fine, sterile needles at specific points on the body which can affect healing change. It can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine or as a stand alone treatment. Our specialty is fertility support, pregnancy, and postpartum as well as pain management.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese culture has used different parts of plants, animal products and minerals for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. It is believed that to heal; you need to support the physical body with acupuncture as well as nurture the body with herbal medicine. Herbal treatment is very effective and absolutely safe when accurately prescribed and taken according to directions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Telehealth Visits

Meet with Nicole virtually to learn how diet, lifestyle, supplements, acupressure, and Chinese herbs can help you live your best life! Nicole has 15 plus years of experience in treating fertility (egg, womb, or sperm issues, IVF/IUI or if trying naturally) pregnancy. postpartum, and women's health related issues (PMS, irregular cycles, peri/menopause, thyroid health, anxiety, insomnia etc.) us... Read More

Meet with Nicole virtually to learn how diet, lifestyle, supplements, acupressure, and Chinese herbs can help you live your best life! Nicole has 15 plus years of experience in treating fertility (egg, womb, or sperm issues, IVF/IUI or if trying naturally) pregnancy. postpartum, and women's health related issues (PMS, irregular cycles, peri/menopause, thyroid health, anxiety, insomnia etc.) using a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach.

Nicole Hidaka graduated with a Masters in Science degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Bastyr University. She is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. She also holds her acupuncture and herbal licenses in the states of California and Washington.

During her training at Bastyr, she completed four Chinese Herbology Internships in gynecology and apprenticed for several years with experienced fertility and women’s health specialists; Dr. Lee Hullender-Rubin and Christina Jackson. Post graduation she worked at a fertility clinic in Kirkland, WA performing acupuncture for women undergoing IUI’s, egg retrievals, and embryo transplants. As Nicole’s passion for fertility and women’s health work grew she continued her studies with Cindy McLieu of the Jade Institute, Sharon Wiesbaum of the White Pine Institute , as well as Jane Lytleton and Randine Lewis. Nicole also opened her own clinic, Perfect Harmony Acupuncture, in Seattle, Washington where she treated many patients for fertility, pregnancy and women’s health issues for the past 12 years.

Having previously been an elementary school teacher, Nicole believes in the power of educating her patients. Her passion is to guide them towards a more informed and empowered state of physical, mental and spiritual health. She believes that every person has an inner voice filled with wisdom and if listened to will help restore balance and wellness in their lives.

Nicole is happy to return to Santa Barbara where she was born and raised. Being so close to family has awakened her heart anew to the joy that life holds. She hopes to share this heart opening with everyone she treats

Nicole Hidaka graduated with a Masters in Science degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine fro... Read More

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